12 Tips To Overcome Frustration and Anger

We all tend to get frustrated and even angry when we’re faced with challenges or an unexpected outcome. There are so many things that can cause frustration! And more often than not, our frustrations are caused by external forces that are beyond our control. Such as a gadget not working, or that annoying person talking continuously. It’s normal to be frustrated every now and then, regardless of the cause. But, the way we deal with frustration is what’s important!

So here are 12 tips to overcome Frustration
 1 -Deep Breathing
       Relaxed, regulated breathing changes the chemistry of the brain so activity is dominated by the thoughtful neocortex. Conscious, focused breathing can help you avoid impulsive actions or rash words. Before you act out in anger or frustration, pause and take a deep breath. Count to five slowly as you breathe in, then count to five again as you breathe out. Repeat this breathing exercise until you feel calm.
2 - Change Your Perspective
       Try to view frustration as "delayed success" rather than "failure". How you frame your situation will change your reaction and emotions. If you see your situation as a setback that you will overcome, you’re more likely to know that you can defeat your frustration.
3 - Talk to a Friend
      It’s always good to talk to someone about anything that's bothering you. Well, maybe not anything… but, the point here is to be able to share bottled up feelings with someone, instead of just repressing your emotions. Who knows… your friend might have a solution that can help you! If you don’t have close friends you feel comfortable talking to, find a supportive mentor or counselor that can help you sort out your issues. Even if a problem seems obvious, discussing it with someone will give you fresh insight, and may even help you discover hidden issues, such as low self-esteem or specific anxieties.
4 -  Keep A Journal
       Write down your successes and failures in a journal. Keeping track of your successes can be motivating. And similarly, keeping track of activities that you feel are limiting you, can be helpful as well. This way, you can have a check and balance as to what worked for you and what didn’t.
5 - Accept Reality
       You also need to check your own reality. If you have done everything within your power to accomplish something, and it still doesn’t work out, then you should try to accept it as it is. What you can do in this kind of situation, is write a pros and cons list and then take it from there.
 6 - Track Your Progress
       Sometimes you may feel that things aren’t moving fast enough, or they just aren't working out the way they should. This can lead to a lot of frustration! right. Make a checklist and see how you are progressing. Sometimes small steps may seem like nothing, but being able to cross those small steps off the list, one by one will help you see your progress.
7 - Treat yourself
       Frustration can build up tension and anxiety, which can have detrimental effects on your mood, sleep cycle, and general body chemistry. By improving your self-care - especially care for your body - you can relax and let go of the feelings that were stirred up by frustration. Instead of fuming and blowing up on someone, take a soothing bath, go for a walk, or read something. These activities can help change your body chemistry from alarmed to calm and focused.
8 - Exercise
Physical activity can relieve tension and stress caused by frustration, especially if you exercise in a natural environment. If you are not used to exercising regularly, take it slow, so you feel refreshed, not exhausted. If you aren't able to take an exercise break while working on a frustrating task, take a shorter break to practice deep breathing or meditation instead.
 9 - Stop Being Angry
      Anger is one way to vent your frustration. It can be either directed towards yourself - or towards the person who happens to be sharing the same space with you. Try not to lash out at others. Instead, take some time out, and perhaps catch up on funny videos on YouTube or read something funny. The point here is to minimize anger so you can think straight. Only once you are calm, will you be able to think straight and address the problem that is causing your frustration.
10 - Stop Blaming Yourself
      Maybe the cause of your frustration is something of your own doing. But blaming yourself will only put you in a negative state of mind, which will do more harm than good. So try to find solutions rather than blame yourself endlessly.
11 - Be around Positive And Optimistic People
      It’s always a good thing to hang around people who are optimistic. You can get energy from them, as well as advice. Perhaps they’ve encountered similar situations like yours, and they can cheer you up!
 12 - Try To Be Positive
      Try to think of past times you had difficulties and yet managed to get through them. Remind yourself that this too will pass - it always does. So count your blessings, and see where you’ve triumphed in the past. A positive attitude can help you get through this as well. We all have rough patches and get frustrated from time to time. As long as you work towards your goals and dreams, you WILL encounter some sort of frustration. It’s inevitable. But remember, how you deal with it, is the important part!
I hope you like this post.H ow do YOU handle frustration and anger?! Do share with us in the comment box below!

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